Direct Golf Gear is super entertaining mini golf game to test your inner skills!Direct Golf Gear is super entertaining mini golf game to test your inn
Direct Golf Gear is super entertaining mini golf game to test your inner skills!
Direct Golf Gear is super entertaining mini golf game to test your inner skills!
Most 3D golf game give you very simplistic obstacle course which is not enough challenging for a talented player. Direct Golf Gear is all about playing under touch and sometimes near to impossible looking conditions.
There are lot of different obstacles and tricky areas which you won’t see in ordinary golf game. It requires very direct approach to deal with this obstacles in minimum swings. Environment around you is so beautiful and enchanting but obstacle add up spicy twist to it and make game really interesting.
Fun starts as you find the first obstacle which you may have never seen before in any other game. Whether you are American or European, Asian, African or Australian… Direct Golf Gear will give you challenging turf which will make you nostalgic about your home ground. Have fun…
★ Best Direct Golf Challenge
★ Interesting Obstacles That Spice Up Game
★ Danger Areas Where You Need To Be Cautious
★ Mesmerizing Graphics
★ Cool Sounds
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